With a decade’s of experience in manufacturing , company has started R&D division .
The following are the changes STARWHITES has adapted in laundry equipment which are successful working when compared to other Indian brand’s.
Main motto of the company is reduce the energy consumption’s and over all maintenance of the equipment.
The proposed weight of the equipment, specifications and designs always vary because of continuous R&D. |
- 1. In 2010 , we have done changes in rpm of the drum based on drum dia to increase the washing performance.
- 2. In 2012 we have done changes in shaft sizes to minimize the jerks in forward and reverse action.
- 3. In 2014 we have done changes in bearing placements to increase the life of bearings and to handle the heavy duty load’s.
- 4. In 2017 we have designed counter weight balance of 200 kgs opposite to belt & pulley driven system to minimize the forward and reverse jerks and to increase the over all machine performance by reducing the load on shaft and side plates cracks and load on bearing’s , which is on trial conditions in customer place in india and abroad. After the real time performance of 5 years it will come on bulk production.
- 5. Newly developed pulley dia vs centre distance and arc of belt ratio increased the life of belt and increase the 20% heavy duty load handling capacity.
- 6. And similar changes done in vertical washers , hydro extractors and tumble driers.
- 1. In 2010 we have done changes in new spring system in higher capacity direct drive hydro to minimize the motor vibration and unbalanced load to increasing the over all performance of machine.
- 2. In 2016 we have done changes in new drum diameters with a constant speed of 960 rpm which increased the extraction power by 10% compared to competitive models available in the market.
- 3. In 2017 we have done changes by adding weight plates in base plate which is giving the better performance and giving the strength of machine under trial conditions in customer place in india.
- 4. In 2018 we have done changes in centre of gravity point at a height equivalent to drum which allowed our machine to run on full load without foundation.
Since 2017 we started designing energy efficient driers
- 1. Machines are under production stage we will launch by 2020.
Our new designed base model calendar’s comes with spring supported chest is giving excellent finishing compared to pneumatically operated machines.
And in our bigger steam heated calendar comes with water evaporation bed in chest is under designing phase and will be launch by 2020. |
- 1. Our newly developed placement of shock absorption in a calculated angle reduced the vibration @ spin mode.
- 2. Our newly developed 3 bearing system made our machine to run at “0” vibration in empty load condition and with a negligible vibration on full load.
- 3. And continuous development to launch world’s best washer extractor.